Things that make you go… BOOM!

Things that make you go… BOOM!

So we wake up this morning to a phone call. The first thought that goes through my head was…”Oh, shit! Who died now??”

As it turns out – nobody died.

Joe got in a car accident this morning out in North Royalton. It seems he was hit in the tire. (yeah – in the driver’s side tire. That’s it. To look at the car, you’d never know anything was wrong – no body damage at all.) The tie rod is all bent at a 45-degree angle and the strut is bent too. Luckily, the lady that hit him admitted fault completely and turned everything over to her insurance company. He had the car towed to North Olmsted Dodge, and we went out to North Royalton to pick him up. He’s getting a loaner car on Monday, so I’m playing chauffeur all weekend.

In my car.

Whoo boy.

We went to lunch (on him) and grocery shopping so far. He’s made sure to let me know that his car is bigger and his trunk is larger. And I can tell he’s getting pissed about not being allowed to smoke in our car.

I finally told him that I admit his car is better than my car in almost every way… except that mine’s not in the shop for the next week. He didn’t say much after that.

I think we’re all going to dinner later. Wish me luck.

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