Just in time for Thanksgiving

Just in time for Thanksgiving

Last night, Thanksgiving tapped me on the shoulder. Let me explain.

There I was standing on Superior waiting for my bus to go home and looking right into the snow and wind. I kept hunching my shoulders and turning around to avoid the cold and thinking to myself how much I hate winter and I hate the cold and I can’t believe they didn’t let us go home early and it’s so freaking cold and everything sucks, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was a guy selling the Grapevine. The Grapevine is a newspaper distributed by homeless people. It’s on the up and up, and I’ve bought issues before. But something about this time was just too perfect to be chance. The Grapevine is bought by vendors for $.25 and sold for $1. Each vendor keeps their own profits.

I looked at this guy and said “Yeah, of course give me a copy.” I gave him $5 and told him “Happy Thanksgiving”. He was happy and thanked me heartily. You’d think I gave him the moon.

So I get on the bus and proceed to read the Grapevine. Without getting into everything, lets just say that it came just in time. Especially around the holidays, I’m here worried about stupid things like the car and the bills when at any time there are around 3000 homeless people in downtown Cleveland alone. I guess I’m pretty lucky after all.

Happy Thanksgiving, indeed.

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