5 Years Later

It’s been a strange 5 years. I started this journey at 335 pounds in August 2018. I got as low as 210 pounds by December 2019 I then entered my “2nd Fat” and managed to get back up to 289 pounds in September 2022. These days I hover between 225 and 230 pounds. Low-carb, avoiding … Read more

We are ready to rock.

Waiting in the theater for https://metallica.filmTrying to resist taking a photo of our crowd with the caption: if you’re here tonight, remember to make your colonoscopy appointment tomorrow.#metallica #metalrules #gettingolder Night One Night Two

4 Years!

Each year on our anniversary dates, employees get a box of chocolates and a magnet signifying how long we’ve been with the company. Today I got my 4-Year magnet and a confectionary treat!

Facebook Memories

Facebook has a feature called Memories where they show you posts you made on this day in previous years. Apart from being sometimes creepy and often reminding me of things I used to like, I’ve started copy/pasting the best of them into this blog. It’s not removing them from Facebook or making them less private, … Read more

Goodbye, old friends

I bought these shoes in January 2023. I have another pair of “comfortable shoes” for walking, but these were my exercise shoes. Since January, I have walked every day. According to Samsung Health, I’ve walked just under 1.5 million steps in 7 months. I’m retiring these shoes today after logging just over 650 miles. I … Read more