Blue Sky Garden Update
Look at these results!
Look at these results!
I normally take a photo each week and update my post, but today I took a short video to show the jungle that the plots have become.
I made an effort today to do my weekly routine from the Chrome Browser on my Linux Laptop. I had to install it and sign-in and set up some extensions, but now it looks and acts pretty much just like my Chromebook. It was more of an experiment to prove that I can interact with my note system … Read more
I don’t buy this theory that simply writing things down somehow reduces stress. All it means is that those things are now on a piece of paper or some kind of digital list, usually in our pocket at all hours of the day, mocking us for not being able to finish them. Maybe instead of … Read more
I’ve taken a keen interest in note-taking in general and recently I’ve been obsessed with how other people do it. I’ve always taken a keen interest in note-taking in general, and recently I’ve been obsessed with how other people do it. There tends to be a push toward avoiding information silos while at the same … Read more
Today I am 50. This is one of those big birthdays. Being a technical-minded person and realizing there have been a lot of changes in the past year, I decided I needed to document these changes in a proper changelog: Notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based … Read more
“Describe Yourself In 3 Fictional Characters” was an online forum game in which participants select fictional characters from popular media that they believe demonstrate various aspects of their personality. Here’s mine.
Now, devotees may argue that one sport or game is inherently better than another. For me, sport is actually a chance for us to have other human beings push us to excel. Robin Williams as John Keating, Dead Poets Society (1989) If this blog somehow survives me and is read sometime in the future, I … Read more
I had to be part of someone else’s bad day, and it sucked. Please keep confidential, unknown to <name> at this time. Meeting is scheduled for 9:00 tomorrow, in the conference room. Please have someone get his laptop shortly after 9:00 and disable him from the system. Please also have someone discreetly gather his personal … Read more