Today I am 50. This is one of those big birthdays.
Being a technical-minded person and realizing there have been a lot of changes in the past year, I decided I needed to document these changes in a proper changelog:
Notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Your Version Number
Chuck v5.0 – 2019-08-31
- Chuck v5.0 debuts the first version in over 15 years wherein all diagnostic tests have passed without a margin of error.
- Several changes have been implemented in an effort to improve stability and reduce wear and tear.
- Increased overall CPU speed by one year (linear) and overall memory has been given an upgrade
- Fixed bug to remove the embarrassment of exposed chassis to the sun, water, air, and sand
- Replaced interchangeable chassis covering (new wardrobe) (Feature Request 2018/12 – ongoing)
- New visual identity by LensCrafters (new glasses) (Feature Request 2019/04)
- New income-producing process (new job) (Feature Request 2019/06-08)
- Reduced overall chassis size by 125lbs, improving locomotion and making sleep cycles more productive (Bug Report 2018/07)
- Removed dependency on external chemical stabilizing agents (blood pressure pills, pain meds) (Bug Report 2019/03)
- Removed external nocturnal oxygen assistance requirement (CPAP) (Bug Report 2019/04)